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Water Recycling Program Implementation

Maejo University has a pipe system that sends wastewater from all buildings to treatment plants and subsequently sends the treated water 12 distribution points as the illustrated by the R1-R12 dots on the map. Three of the distribution points further move the water to ponds for agricultural reserve, seven points of supply water for usage in glass field agriculture, the university forest garden and one additional point flows to the natural canal.

The treated water of Maejo University between October 2020 to September 2021 has a total volume of 417,4544 m3. All treated water were supply into pipe line for agricultural used, such as landscape vegetable and rice planting, and tractor washing.

Maejo university wastewater treatment plant
Maejo university wastewater treatment plant

Maejo university water supply plant

The map showed the point of treated wastewater release (R1 – R12)

Treated wastewater released to the pond for agricultural on flower cultivated area.
Treated wastewater released to the pond for agricultural on flower cultivated area.

Treated wastewater released to the glass field

Treated wastewater released to pond
Treated wastewater released to pond

At present, Maejo University is in the process of constructing a sewage treatment system for treated water by constructed wetland system. The budget of this project was $486,300. The system can treat water 1,800 m3/day. After that, the treated water will be used throughout the university.