Inorganic Waste Treatment (WS.4)

Description: MJU inorganic waste management

Since 2019, the waste management team that is under the green university

committee has set the strategy for inorganic waste handling in Maejo University. The majority of inorganic waste generated from the campus was papers followed by other recycling waste such as plastic and aluminum cans that were collected from the recycled bins. In 2021, a total of 3526 kg. of recycled waste were 100% recycled.

The first action for inorganic waste handling was 3Rs and big cleaning projects. For the paper-reduction method, electronic documents and electronic meetings were encouraged. As it can be seen from the picture that MJU could reduce the cost of paper up to 10.9 million baht. Here is the link; .

Moreover, each organization has a policy of using reused paper or two sides printing according to green office procedures. After that, all the used papers were collected for recycling by selling to the local recycling companies. In addition, the old books from the library have been sorted each year and donated to local schools, while the rest were shredded and sold for recycling by a local recycling companies. The money obtained was further used for waste management in the organization.

                For plastic waste, 2 projects were struck to recycle 100% of plastic waste from MJU. The first project was PET for PPE kits and the second one was plastic to the green road.

                For milk cartons, aluminum rings, and used stocking, MJU central library was a host for this waste collection for donation. In 2021, almost 25 kg of aluminum rings, 15.8 kg of milk cartons, and 1 kg of used stocking were collected.    

           The long-term strategy was to develop and construct MJU solid waste management and recycling center. The master plan and sorting flow diagram are shown above.  This year MJU has the budget for the project and we successfully manage to buy a waste conveyor and an automatic scale.